Did you know that more than 120 million people in the United States are missing at least one tooth? Fortunately, dental bridges can help with this problem.
Crowns and bridges from your dentist in Hampton, VA, are not just cosmetic but they can also be very helpful when it comes to restoring a person's dental function.
But what are crowns and bridges exactly? Keep reading and learn more about these two dental procedures and what makes them unique.
You don't necessarily need dentures, Hampton, VA, if you've lost a few teeth. You only need dentures if you've lost most of your teeth. If you've only lost some, all you need is a dental bridge.
The difference between bridges and crowns is that bridges are meant to replace teeth while crowns are only supposed to cover teeth. To get a crown, you will need to have a tooth to anchor it with. Otherwise, it won't be possible to get a crown at all.
As mentioned before, a crown is only a cap for a damaged tooth. On the other hand, a bridge takes the place of missing teeth to restore your dental function and also improve your smile. But don't get bridges confused with dental implants, Hampton, VA.
Dental implants are completely different and much more invasive. That's because your dentist will need to screw dental implants into your jaw bone. This makes them very sturdy but not everyone is up for such an invasive dental procedure.
This is not to mention that dental implants take several months until they're complete. On the other hand, you can get a dental bridge in a relatively short time. The thing about bridges is that they require crowns to act as an anchor, otherwise, they won't be able to fit inside your mouth.
The crowns in question can either cover your real teeth or your dentist may instead attach them to dental implants. It will depend on your individual dental situation. Whatever the case, a bridge will consist of several false teeth to fill the gap in your mouth.
A bridge will make it much easier for you to chew food and speak. And, of course, your smile will look much more complete.
When it comes to choosing between dental crowns and bridges, the choice will largely depend on the state of your dental health. If you are not missing any teeth, you will not need a dental bridge. Instead, you will only need a crown or two to protect whatever damaged teeth you may have.
Of course, if your teeth are in relatively good condition, you may not even need a crown at all. On the other hand, if you require a tooth extraction or already have several teeth that are missing, a dental bridge may be a much better option.
But if you are missing most of your teeth, you may instead need a set of dentures. Your dentist will help you understand what kind of dental treatment you need and what kind of dental treatment might benefit you the most.
Crowns and bridges are both ideal for improving a person's functional and cosmetic dental health. Crowns need to cover an existing tooth while bridges are designed to replace missing teeth.
To learn more about dental procedures, don't hesitate to contact us here.
Call today to schedule an appointment at (757) 827-9114.
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